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The courses at MTY Academy are designed and structured to inspire students' interests in the subjects and to help them excel academically. MTY Academy offers classes according to the course structure. To get an overall view of courses, and hence classes, and relationships, click and see Course Map
  • To find out more about each class, take a look at Syllabi.
  • To figure out which class you should start with, download the Placement Evaluation , work it out and send the work-out by email to MTY Academy for evaluation.
  • To find a list of classes that is currently open for registration, click Registration Tab.
  • To find out dates and times of classes, click Schedule Tab
  • If you do not find a class that fits you, take a look at Self-Paced class. You might find a solution.
    If you have any questions, please call (512) 589-3349.